Student Solution


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Module 2 Discussion 1 The Psychophysiology Connection

Module 2 Discussion 1 The Psychophysiology Connection

Q Instructions Choose a demographic group such as teenagers, traditional college students living in a dorm, adult students, single moms and dads, elderly in a nursing home, deployed military and/or family of deployed military personnel. Part 1: let’s start with a question based on your own life experience. What are three unhealthy behaviors that you think are commonly associated with your chosen group. Part 2: Now apply what you’ve learned from the readings and videos. Thinking about the demographic group you chose, discuss the following questions. • Describe how the body is likely to suffer as a result from these typical behaviors of your group? (refer to Module Note image on stress) • How might the nervous system respond to the three behaviors you identified. • How might the endocrine system respond to these behaviors?

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All given demographic groups share different issues while they have many similar ones. Adult students are a population that is non-traditional students; thus, they face different kinds of circumstances; at this stage, they have experience and responsibilities along with a new learning program. I feel humans these days look for shortcuts as life has become so fast, especially in the twenty-first century, where everything has been digitalized.